Sunday, April 4, 2010

He is Risen!

And He loves me!


  1. He is Risen indeed!
    Happy Blessed Easter Anita.

    just returned from visiting the in-laws for the holiday and was catching up with 'net stuff.

    btw, if you want some photoshop/website graphics help, i'd love to be of service (saw the notes @ prairie chicks).

    Deb H

  2. LOVE this image of the stone being rolled away--and THE EMPTY TOMB!!!

    Blessings, dear friend,

  3. Same to you, Patti. Yes, this photo really gets to the heart of the Easter season. If I were to add anything to it though, it'd be a cross on the left hand side about where that yellow spot is.

    Thanks for dropping by.


  4. Somewhere here was a comment from Deb which has now disappeared although the total still said 2. Hmmm... is blogger playing tricks again? Don't they know April Fool's Day was last week. Heh.


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