Well, a few days ago I decided enough was enough. With it being the 3rd week of July already, if the plastic didn't come 0ff now, we may as well leave it up since it's only 7 wks til Labour Day. Yes, already!

The black thing on the table is my laptop because that's where I work.
The boys took down the plastic and now I have an extra room to play...er...write in. So much more light and fresh air than in the garage/rec centre. A lot more dust, too but we won't worry about that. I can clean off my laptop just as well as the next person.

If I look up from my laptop and look left, this is what I see in the southeast direction.
So here I am, kidless until Saturday. I'm posting pics of where I am and what I see so you can spend the week with me. I'm in my 'writing cave' this week but it's about the most unlikeliest cave environment ever. Like I said, lots of light, very breezy but comfortably so, trees filled with chattering birds, barn swallows teaching their babies how to fly, and the occasional baler or farm tractor out on the road or field. I even got buzzed by a crop duster the other day. Didn't like that.

Okay, enough procrastinating. I have a manuscrip to crit and a suspense novel, Silent Keeper, to write...
...now see - hubby's off work today and he knows I'm working but I just caught a movement at the corner of my eye and there's these hands waving above the mugo pines and yup, Nelson's just appeared, grinning, and hands still waving, as he heads south toward the front of the house. And here I thought I was kidless this week...